noelle wonders about the blog

Why I chose to start this blog...

International development is complicated. Maybe unnecessarily so, but challenging, nonetheless. And I want to talk about that.

Most importantly, I want to crowd in varied backgrounds, diverse experiences, and a wide range of insights. First, to break down the mammoth topic that is international development with particular focus on economic growth, governance and job creation. And second, to find those “hidden” lessons from elsewhere that can literally save lives. 

More than we would like to admit, the western-defined way of approaching economic development, for instance, is limiting, at best. Other times, it has proved to be destructive, at worst. Pockets of success have emerged when the people closest to the problems are empowered. Empowered to form part of the generation of solutions. 

That’s where I come in.  I aspire to follow in the light of those who wish to interrogate how knowledge is formed, produced, and shared.


So what?

Noelle Wonders is a meeting place for development allies, critics, and general conversationalists. The goal is to create and curate a friendly space for ideas and viewpoints. The kind that humanizes development issues and embraces the complexities it brings.

To keep with the diverse nature of perspectives I seek, this blog will cover a wide range of topics. As such, events, travels, and the things I read will prompt my posts. Conversations I overhear and my daily discussions with friends, family, and acquaintances will feature too. 

I am hopeful for the kind of community that this can create, and I hope you commit to engaging in conversations with me, and others, on the various topics of discussion.

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Noelle Wonders

Marie-Noelle is the creator and curator of Noelle Wonders - a blog created to pose questions, exchange ideas, explore power asymmetries, and humanize topics around growth and development.