No, setting more grandiose goals won’t bring us development

You read that right: ‘No, setting more grandiose goals won’t bring us development.’ The focus should be on achieving the desired effect, or outcome(s). Ok, fine, that’s a tricky statement to make. It is not true, but it is also not untrue. The point is, it takes more than setting Read More

The Surprisingly Simple Truth behind end-of-service benefits (ex gratia) for MPs in Ghana

You heard the news about the end-of-service (ex gratia) payments to MPs and you thought one of three things: “Oh, what insanity! ‘End-of-service’ gift for what exactly?” “Wow, I should really consider going into local politics. That’s some money right there! Imagine if I held on for four terms like Read More

Preparing for a crisis – Max.Ng : 5 photos and me series

Over the next couple of weeks, I am going to share five photos from a few of my journeys-to-know-more, and what they mean to me. As a development professional, I occasionally get to go to places and experience different things. As an individual, these experiences always strike different chords and Read More

Why governance in Africa is an economic matter

Governance in Africa is an economic matter. States that make heavy use of overt coercion and brutality often do so because they cannot exercise proper authority. They have what Michael Mann labels “despotic power” but not “infrastructural power” to penetrate and shape society. This was true of both the colonial Read More

Why do governments recycle Ministers?

I know I cannot be the only one who has wondered why governments recycle Ministers, especially on our side of the world. How did the Minister of Defence become Minister of Trade & Industry? And why is it the same group of people shuffled around every eight years? In the Read More

Are we headed for a Stalled Engines world?

Are we headed for a Stalled Engines world? If you’re asking what that is? Read on! In a few short weeks, the coronavirus pandemic has changed everything: the way we move, act, and think. On some days,  I believe it; on others, not quite. The pandemic seems to have just Read More

Keep the Receipts and be open about it

I recently came across a few articles talking about corruption and the siphoning off of funds meant for Covid-19 support, and I was mad.   For me, that’s just foul. In a post written by Mushtaq Khan and Pallavi Roy, I  read in shock about instances of “padding in procurement contracts, leakages in distribution, Read More